SIHIdeltaP - Calculo de pérdida de carga

Determining the pressure (head) loss of fluid through pipe-work, bends, and other fittings can be undertaken very simply with SIHIdeltaP. This web-based application allows the pressure drop (∆P) and available NPSH(a) to be calculated for some complex systems together with a wide range of process fluids.





Introduction to SIHIdeltaP
is an online adaptation of the proven “CAPRICE For Windows” software. Primarily, the tool is for piping and system Engineers to calculate the pressure losses through pipe-work, bends, and other fittings due to the friction caused by fluid flow.
Before the pipe layout is constructed using the drag-and-drop system, the desired fluid is selected from the database and its operating temperature entered.
Subsequently, all relevant fluid properties are loaded in order to permit calculation.
Once the fluid has been selected, the next step is to enter the volumetric flow rate and nominal diameter of the suction and discharge piping. Subsequently, the user can drag-and-drop pipe-work elements from menu shown on the left-side and then advise the characteristics as requested. Roughness, diameter, and other values, can be selected from predetermined tables or entered manually.
Nominal values will automatically reappear as a default for all later components. However, these values can be amended whenever necessary. Although there is an automatic refresh, it is wise to press "refresh" after all data has been input.
Finally, the system configuration is selected in order to represent the closest match. The basic choice surrounds either flooded suction or self-priming. Options of open and closed-loop circuits are also given. Total (head) Pressure loss and available NPSH(a) can then be determined. The result can be printed and/or downloaded to Excel.


SIHIdeltaP allows:
- Pressure (head) losses to be calculated for industrial hydraulic pipe-work that  is configured either in-line
  (open) or closed-loop.
- Liquid centrifugal pump optimisation, sizing & selection through the calculation of total manometric head.

- NPSH consideration and pump associated pump consideration



Calculate pressure (head) loss with SIHIdeltaP (new window will be opened)


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